What is Project Management Matrix?
Project Management Matrix is some menthod to manage, process or administer tasks, projects or some other stuffs.
- BIOLOGY: an environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure.
- a mold in which something, such as printing type or a phonograph record, is cast or shaped.
- MATHEMATICS: a rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns that is treated as a single entity and manipulated according to particular rules.
PPM List
RACI matrix
- 谁负责(R = Responsible),负责执行任务的角色,具体负责操控项目、解决问题。
- 谁批准(A = Accountable),对任务负全责的角色,只有经其同意或签署之后,项目才能得以进行。
- 谁支持(S = Support),参与具体任务,协助R完成工作的角色。
- 咨询谁(C = Consulted),在任务实施前或中提供指定性意见的人员。
- 告知谁(I = Informed),及时被通知结果的人员,不必向其咨询、征求意见。
from Responsibility assignment matrix
SMART criteria
- 目标必须是具体的(Specific)stresses the need for a specific goal over and against a more general one.
- 目标必须是可以衡量的(Measurable)stresses the need for concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of the goal.
- 目标必须是可以达到的(Attainable)stresses the importance of goals that are realistic and attainable.
- 目标必须和总体目标具有相关性(Relevant)stresses the importance of choosing goals that matter.
- 目标必须具有明确的截止期限(Time-bound)stresses the importance of grounding goals within a time frame, giving them a target date.
from SMART criteria、SMART原则
PDCA Cycle
also named Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle
- P(Plan)–计划,通过集体讨论或个人思考确定某一行动或某一系列行动的方案,包括5W1H;
- D(Do)–执行人执行,按照计划去做,落实计划;
- C(Check)–检查或学习执行人的执行情况,比如到计划执行过程中的“控制点”“管理点”去收集信息,“计划执行的怎么样?有没有达到预期的效果或要求?”,找出问题;
- A(Action)–效果,对检查的结果进行处理,认可或否定。成功的经验要加以肯定,或着模式化或者标准化以适当推广;失败的教训要加以总结,以免重现;这一轮未解决的问题放到下一个PDCA循环。
from 戴明循环
- P(Planning)——计划职能包括三小部分:目标(goal)、实施计划(plan)、收支预算(budget)。
- D(design)——设计方案和布局。
- C(4C)——4C管理:Check(检查)、Communicate(沟通)、Clean (清理)、Control(控制)。
- A(2A)——Act(执行,对总结检查的结果进行处理)、Aim(按照目标要求行事,如改善、提高)。
RCA(Root cause analysis)
- 问题(发生了什么);
- 原因(为什么发生);
- 措施(什么办法能够阻止问题再次发生)。
from 根本原因分析(Root Cause Analysis)
Robin on 18 Aug. 2017